Educational Programs

Program Overview

A Focus On Individual Student Success and Maximizing Potential

At Alpine Academy, we believe that every student can learn when provided with the right instructional approach. Students are placed at their appropriate instructional level and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed, allowing them to master skills as rapidly as they are able. Teachers devote time to each student as well as the class as a whole. IEPs are reviewed quarterly, and student performance is meticulously tracked and assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional approach and ensure progress. An art program and music therapy augment the curriculum to provide comprehensive onsite solutions. Alpine will also partner with occupational and speech therapists if parents have arranged for these services to be provided during school hours. The Alpine Academy experience allows children to progress at their own pace while challenging and supporting them to achieve their maximum potential.

“My son is so happy here, he actually wants to do his homework and get to bed early so he can be alert in school.”

Three Distinct Educational Tracks

Alpine Academy’s ABA programs accommodate a wide range of evolving student needs and provide students and their families with a comprehensive, proven, and convenient array of academic and onsite therapeutic programs, custom tailored to individual student needs.

Social Academic Program

Provides the perfect environment for students who are too high functioning for a self-contained ESE classroom, but still struggle in traditional classroom settings.

Language & Learning Skills Program

For students who need basic language and academic skills.

Applied Academic Skills Program

Prepares students with more challenging learning disabilities in grades 6 to 12 for greater independence.

“They brought him along when nobody else could. They are my heroes.”

Music, Art, Speech, and Occupational Therapies

Our comprehensive curriculum is augmented by music therapy and art programs as well as access to speech and occupational therapies (arranged by parents) during regular school hours.

Social Academic Program

Have you often felt that your child may be too “high functioning” for a self contained ESE classroom, yet he or she is struggling in a regular education classroom? If so, our school may be the option for you. At Alpine Academy, we have designed a specific program to help meet the needs of your child. Our Social Academic Program is designed to meet the particular academic and social needs of students with high functioning Autism, ADD, ADHD, and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).

Our core curriculum emphasizes carefully planned lessons focused on learning in small increments centered around clearly-defined teaching tasks. We believe by using clear instruction and teaching to mastery, teachers can accelerate learning for all students – high performers as well as students with learning disabilities.

Students are placed in flexible, homogeneous groups in reading, language, and math. Students are expected to score 90% or higher on the daily and weekly assessments. Skills are taught and scaffolded along the way so that 85% of each lesson reviews previously taught skills and 15% of instruction is introducing new skills. Students advance through the program only once they have demonstrated mastery of the concepts. Students who show exceptional progress can fast-cycle through lessons if they show continued mastery of concepts. Students are individually assessed every 5 to 10 lessons, and their progress is meticulously tracked by the teacher.

Language and Learning Skills Program

This program is intended for students who need basic language and academic skills. This program provides intensive ABA instruction in the areas of language and critical learning skills for children with autism or other developmental disabilities. The curriculum we use covers a comprehensive review of 544 skills from 25 skill areas including language, social interaction, self-help, academic, and motor skills which most typically developing children acquire prior to entering kindergarten. The task items within each skill area are arranged from simple to more complex tasks. Expressive language skills are assessed based upon the behavioral analysis of language as presented by Dr. B.F. Skinner in his book, Verbal Behavior (1957). Student progress is carefully tracked and analyzed through daily data collection and weekly data review to ensure adequate progress.

Applied Academic Skills Program

Our Applied Academic Skills Program is designed to prepare students for greater independence through functional skills instruction. Intensive instruction is provided in six different modules: Basic Living Skills, Home Skills, Community Participation Skills, Vocational Skills, and Independent Living Skills. As with our other curriculum programs, data are carefully collected and analyzed to ensure student progress. These skills prepare our students for better participation in the community, achieving meaningful work, and to live a more dignified life. Our classrooms offer opportunities for our students to practice those important life skills.

Summer Program

Looking for a summer camp for your child? We can provide a safe and fun learning environment. Our Social Skills camp focuses on developing, strengthening, and maintaining social relationships with peers. This program utilizes the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to teach children specific skills required for successful social interaction.

Tuition: $2,665 (Camp Fee + Application Fee)

  • June 2, 2024 – July 12, 2024 (6-week program)

  • Monday – Friday
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

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Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further information.